In unserem Blog teilen wir unser Fachwissen, diskutieren innovative Ideen und geben Einblicke in unser Unternehmen. Die Artikel erscheinen in der jeweiligen Originalsprache.
Process & Projects
17. Okt. 2024
Exciting AI Project: I’ve built an AI-powered Psychotherapist Assistant!
23. Sept. 2024
JavaScript has many high level frameworks to make developers' lives easier by simplifying complex tasks.
8. Juli 2024
Many IT managers have an engineering background. Does this mean they transitioned to management because they were once bad programmers?
15. Mai 2024
Despite OpenAI's recent success with ChatGPT, Google's foundational research in AI, including the Transformer architecture, paves the way for future advancements in large language models.
Process & Projects
10. Okt. 2023
Job interviews aren't just about being questioned; they're an opportunity for you to explore the company and role you’re interviewing for. Discover how asking the right questions can guide you toward the perfect company and role fit.
Process & Projects
18. Aug. 2023
Engineers struggle with scattered meetings hampering productivity, unlike managers who handle interruptions better. To address this, engineers must communicate with managers for solutions like concentrated meeting blocks to minimize disruption and enhance focus.