In unserem Blog teilen wir unser Fachwissen, diskutieren innovative Ideen und geben Einblicke in unser Unternehmen. Die Artikel erscheinen in der jeweiligen Originalsprache.
5. Okt. 2023
Most companies use publicly available APIs to incorporate LLMs into their own products. While this is not a bad approach, especially if you're just starting with LLMs, it also has some drawbacks.
24. Aug. 2023
Terraform itself does not specify a specific folder structure. Many engineers are thus confused on how to structure their terraform code.
26. Juli 2023
The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has had a profound impact on our lives. While recent advancements, such as large language models like chatGPT, have garnered significant attention, it is crucial to acknowledge that AI has been shaping the world for over a decade.
Process & Projects
21. Juli 2023
I’ve been cooking for almost 20 years multiple times a week. Mostly for myself and my family. So I guess that makes me a professional cook…or do you disagree?