
In unserem blog teilen wir unser Wissen, sprechen über Ideen und über uns. Artikel werden in der jeweiligen Originalsprache veröffentlicht.

Every company needs a modern data architecture


Every company needs a modern data architecture

by Özgür Demir

In this video I'll briefly describe on a high level why every company needs a modern data architecture by looking at some industry specific examples.

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Can you afford to train AI models?


Can you afford to train AI models?

by Özgür Demir

Training a large language model as massive as Llama 2 70B takes approximately 1,720,320 GPU hours which translates to around 2.5 million Euros.

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The Backbone of Custom AI Models: Solid Data Architectures


The Backbone of Custom AI Models: Solid Data Architectures

by Özgür Demir

AI models perform best when trained on problem specific data sets. Data architectures on the other hand allow to ingest, store and process data on a large scale. Thus, without a solid data architecture it is almost impossible to train custom AI models.

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How to start Data & AI Projects: Prioritize product over technology

Process & Projects

How to start Data & AI Projects: Prioritize product over technology

by Özgür Demir

The 1st step when starting a new software project should involve understanding the bigger picture of why a certain digital product needs to be built.

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How to structure Terraform code


How to structure Terraform code

by Özgür Demir

Terraform itself does not specify a specific folder structure. Many engineers are thus confused on how to structure their terraform code.

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Don’t interrupt software engineers!

Process & Projects

Don’t interrupt software engineers!

by Özgür Demir

Engineers struggle with scattered meetings hampering productivity, unlike managers who handle interruptions better. To address this, engineers must communicate with managers for solutions like concentrated meeting blocks to minimize disruption and enhance focus.

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Driving Innovation Through Data and AI Excellence

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