In unserem Blog teilen wir unser Fachwissen, diskutieren innovative Ideen und geben Einblicke in unser Unternehmen. Die Artikel erscheinen in der jeweiligen Originalsprache.
Process & Projects
15. Aug. 2023
With new frameworks, tools, and technologies emerging almost daily, the pressure to stay up-to-date can lead to stress and a constant fear of falling behind. However, there are some strategies that software engineers can adopt to feel less stressed.
Process & Projects
11. Juli 2023
It's a common perception among engineers that freelancing can lead to wealth, while employers often worry that freelancers are way more expensive than permanent employees.
29. Juni 2023
A lot of people have side projects besides their professional job. For me it’s been electronic music production for almost 20 years now.
Process & Projects
27. Juni 2023
Staffing and hiring software engineering teams is a critical and complex process that greatly impacts the success of software projects.
Process & Projects
20. Juni 2023
It seems like software engineers hit a career wall in many companies where it's not possible to rise the career ladder further. In this blog post, we look why some software engineers, choose to remain dedicated to the engineering path.